St Germain ‘I AM’ Freedom Discourses   Earth Nuclear & Chemical Affairs’  ‘ENACA’

Cosmic Love In Action

Great Central Sun

01 ENACA Petition Ascension Flame Program Serapis Bey  15th July 2019.pdf 14 ENACA Petition Trust Must Be Earned Lady Portia 17th August 2019.pdf 13 ENACA Petition Keep On Keeping On SOEPC 8th August 2019.pdf 12 ENACA Petition Protecting The Future Jacoba Pleaidean High Council 6th August 2019.pdf 10 ENACA Petition Truth About Galactics - AA Metatron 5th August 2019.pdf 09 ENACA Petition Digital Libraries of Consciousness Jesus The Christ 2nd August  2019.pdf 08 ENACA Petition Unifying Consciousness Myra Lyrans  29th July 2019.pdf 07 ENACA Petition Reordering Process Lord Michael 24th July 2019.pdf 06 ENACA Petition Mother Gaia Speaks The Elementals of Earth 23rd July 2019.pdf 05 ENACA Petition Aim of Christ Councils Great Divine Director 20th July 2019.pdf 04 ENACA Petition Time Binding Time Contraction Lord Melchizedek 18th July 2019.pdf 03 ENACA Petition Explosion of Consciousness  Maha Chohan 18th July 2019.pdf 02 ENACA Petition Presence of Life Individualized  St Germain 16th July 2019.pdf 11 ENACA Petition Power Of New Beginnings Mother Mary 6th August 2019.pdf For the Greater Glory of God Go I, I Am Invitation to Join Galactic Federation EGA Planet Earth Nuclear and Chemical Affairs Alliance Council 14th July 2019.pdf Fukushima Cleanup Part 3 St Germain 5th September 2017.pdf Fukushima Cleanup Part 2 Serapis bey 13th April 2017.pdf Fukushima Cleanup Part 1 Serapis Bey 12th April 2017.pdf Melchizedek Guest NarayaEGA  22nd Nov 2015.pdf Maha Chohan Guest  Naraya EGA  9th Jan 2016.pdf Evolving Beyond Evolution  The Great Divine Director  11th July 2019.pdf I Am In Action  Maha Chohan 17th January  2019.pdf

The Elemental Grace Alliance wanted to help clean up the Radioactive spill at the Fukushima Plant.  Knowing we had to Qualify this Action with Our I Am Presences’ we took this to the Masters to find out the Truth about this event!  That was on 12th April 2017. Unfortunately even though we receive valid information, and acted upon it, the action failed due to some errors we made in receiving the right approvals to engage the Galactic Federation to help.  So we thought we would try again, this time taking the Matter to the Directors of the Karmic Board for as a Petition to be Granted, before further action could be taken.  Few people understand, that before ANY human plan to be put in to action, it must first pass the Karmic Board for Approvals.  This is how the Elemental Grace Alliance all came about!

So we took it all the Karmic Board and the following Discourses were the result!

The numbered buttons are the actual Discourses, and the unnumbered buttons are supporting Discourses from previous communications with the Ascended Masters and other God Intelligence's.

We hope you enjoy the experience!  God Bless You - The EGA.

PDF Free Downloads

15  Part 1 ENACA Petition Introduction  SOEPC Appeal 21st October 2019.pdf 18 Part 4  ENACA Petition The Saving Force SOEPC Appeal 24th October 2019.pdf 16 Part 2  ENACA Laws of Group Life Petition SOEPC Appeal 22nd October 2019.pdf 17 Part 3 ENACA Petition Ruthless Compassion SOEPC Appeal 23rd October 2019.pdf SOEPC Grants Part 4 Metatron Extra Ordinary Instructions 8th September 2017.pdf SOEPC Grants Part 3 Pallas Athena Reality Check  24th August 2017.pdf SOEPC Grants Part 2 Athena  Dispensation Disclosure 13th August 2017.pdf SOEPC Grants Part 1  Pallas Athena Seventh Seal 7th August 2017.pdf Part 2 The Mapping of Consciousness  MIcah Great Cosmic Angel  17th May 2019.pdf Part 1 The Mapping of Consciousness  MIcah Great Cosmic Angel  16th June 2019.pdf Part 1 Paying It Forward  Concept Above The Principle John The Baptist 25th June 2019.pdf 19 Part 5 ENACA Petition  Sounding Our Note SOEPC Appeal 24th October 2019.pdf if You Would Like To Make ‘A Love Gift’  To The Elemental Grace Alliance To Help Our Forward Movement and To Continue Our Free Services Please Follow the PayPal Link WHAT IS A LOVE GIFT.pdf

The ‘’ is not a commercial site or business.  It is a Living Organism that will grow through the New Consciousness of Human Evolution over the coming months, years, decades and generations to come in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and Cosmic Law.

The Elemental Grace Alliance, in All Its Form, is a Divine Sovereign Entity as a Living Organism, that is totally unaffected by any human miscreations or laws, that do not Serve Humanity for the Greatest Good of All Concerned; that is, All of God Life through Divine Cosmic Law, here upon the Planet of Mother Gaia.

This Living Organism Is Divinely Protected Based upon the Law of Freedom and God’s Given Human Rights to Live a God Life to its full potential.

All information shared upon this Website is for Free Educational Purposes in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and the Laws of Freedom and Divine Human Rights to be Free In Accordance with Cosmic Law!

This Website has been Consecrated and Initiated through the ‘Will To Do’ and the ‘Will To Be’,

 The Good To Do and the Good To Be, and is Sanctioned by The Beloved Elohim Hercules and Eloah. Amazonia!

ENACA Contact EGA Book 1 God Awakening I Am Presence Administration Council Discourses On America Vol 18 Sacred Sigil Mandalas Melchizedek Joseph Benner The Seven Steps New Children Adam and Lilith Christ Letters Radiation Centres EGA Book 1 God Awakening EGA Resources Management Administration Council EGA Discourses About EGA Books/Store Free E-Book Contact SOEPC Council EGA Book 2 Antahkarana ENACA Group Life Narayana Joy Christ Reshel Sanctuaries EGA Sun Reshel Headquarters Pennies From Heaven Introductoion Alchemy CLASS Boot Camp Alchemy Class GESARA Buddhic Columns The Magdalenes Christ Councils Home Mind Powers Ascension Alchemy Class Transformation Alchemy Inception of Light Cosmic Reviews Grants and Petitions The Resetting Of Christ Time Upon Earth Christ True Virgin TC Cosmic Christ Mandate DFH Cosmic Christ Mandate Cosmic Christ Mandate Cosmic Christ Academy Intro Service To Humanity I Am Presence Discourses On America Vol 18 Synthesis E- Magazine