The Cosmic Christ Mandate

Declaration For The Freedom Of Humanity

1 - 1 DFH The Christ Mandate St Germain 20220703

2 - 2 DFH The Inception Of Light 2 Declarations US and TC Council 20220704

3 - 2  Strengthening The Soul Law of Attrition St Germain 20211010

4 - 11 Freedom Alchemy Class 5 The Law Of Divine Tithing St Germain 20220703

5 - 3 DFH Cosmic Review Inception Chart and Pluto Return Sue 20220708

6 - 4 DFH Impeccable Speech 2 Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220709

 7 - 5 DFH The Speech Of The Unknown St Germain 17760704

8 - 6 DFH Impeccable Beauty Invocation For the DFH 20220711

2 - 2 DFH EOTCE Repentance and Divine Will St Germain 20220903

11 - 1 The Christ Antahkarana Fukushima Cleanup Serapis Bey 20170412

12 - 2 The Christ Antahkarana Fukushima Cleanup Serapis Bey 20170413

13 - 3 The Christ Antahkarana Fukushima Cleanup Serapis Bey 20170913

14 - 4 Freedom Alchemy Class Corona Virus Vs Wave Forms Sr Germain 20200401

15 - 8 DFH Agape Love Is Contagious Declarations US and TC  20220721

16 - 9 DFH The Indenture Signature Addendum No Signatures 20220807

17 - 10 DFH The Invocation Declaration For The Freedom Of Humanity 20220807

1 - 1 DFH EOTCE US Declaration of Independence & DFH St Germain 20220722

3 - 3 DFH EOTCE Law of Perfection St Germain 20221224

Declaration For The Freedom Of Humanity Series 1 - Introduction, Indenture and Invocation

The Cosmic Law of Affection

The Law of Affection states that affection is a Beam of Love which may Light upon a subject and create an object of adoration. The Law of Affection holds closely, but with open arms; one wishing to see all creatures free beings by freeing other from oneself, then from themselves, their fears, their guilt's and inhibitions, and from those blocks that hide their preciousness.

The Law of Affection possesses not, yet sacrifices nothing of itself, for it gives without an expectation, even from the Joy of Giving.  As the sun must shine to be the sun, so affection must give, if one is to be affectionate.  The Law of Affection cannot be manipulated or controlled, for its only purpose is to give.  Nor can it be possessed or used to manipulate, but when one's Heart is Open, Affection enters and Envelopes it, thus allowing quite naturally to Flow its unseen Light to Shine its Warmth of Love upon another or the world; just as the Rays of Sun Its Life Giving Radiance without separation, division, judgement or bias.

10 - 3  GESARA RV CURRENCY RESET  Sun Of This World Christ Jesus  20190518

Declaration For The Freedom Of Humanity Series 2 - Externalisation Of The Christos Energy

The ‘’ is not a commercial site or business.  It is a Living Organism that will grow through the New Consciousness of Human Evolution over the coming months, years, decades and generations to come in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and Cosmic Law.

The Elemental Grace Alliance, in All Its Form, is a Divine Sovereign Entity as a Living Organism, that is totally unaffected by any human miscreations or laws, that do not Serve Humanity for the Greatest Good of All Concerned; that is, All of God Life through Divine Cosmic Law, here upon the Planet of Mother Gaia.

This Living Organism Is Divinely Protected Based upon the Law of Freedom and God’s Given Human Rights to Live a God Life to its full potential.

All information shared upon this Website is for Free Educational Purposes in Accordance with God’s Divine Will and the Laws of Freedom and Divine Human Rights to be Free In Accordance with Cosmic Law!

This Website has been Consecrated and Initiated through the ‘Will To Do’ and the ‘Will To Be’,

 The Good To Do and the Good To Be, and is Sanctioned by The Beloved Elohim Hercules and Eloah. Amazonia!

1 DFH The Cosmic Christ Mandate 3rd version St Germain 20220703.mp3 DFH Cosmic Christ Mandate PDF BOOK 1st March 2023.pdf 1 DFH The Cosmic Christ Mandate St Germain 20220703.pdf 1 EOTCE The Heart of Freedom DFH St Germain 20220728.pdf 6 DFH Impeccable Beauty Invocation For the DFH 20220711.pdf 5 DFH The Speech Of The Unknown St Germain 17760704.pdf 4 DFH Impeccable Speech Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220709.pdf 3 Cosmic Review Inception Chart and Pluto Return Sue 20220708.pdf 11 The Law Of Divine Tithing St Germain 20220703.pdf 2 Strengthening The Soul Law of Attrition St Germain 20211010.pdf 2 DFH The Inception Of Light Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220704.pdf 3 GESARA RV CURRENCY RESET Immaculate Conception St Germain 20190518.pdf 10 DFH The Invocation Declaration For The Freedom Of Humanity 7th August 2022.pdf 9 DFH The Indenture Signature Addendum No Signature 20220807.pdf 8 DFH Agape Love Is Contagious Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220716.pdf Part 4 Ascension Alchemy Class Corona Virus Vs Wave Forms St Germain 1st April 2020.pdf 3 Fukushima Cleanup St Germain 20170705.pdf 2 Fukushima Cleanup Serapis Bey 20170413.pdf 1 Fukushima Cleanup Serapis Bey 20170412.pdf 3 EOTCE Law of Perfection DFH St Germain 20221224.pdf 2 EOTCE Repentance And Divine Will DFH St Germain 20220309.pdf

9 - 7 DFH The Human Angel 2 Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220712

7 DFH The Human Angel Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220721.pdf 7 DFH The Human Angel Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220721.mp3 6 DFH Invocation For the DFH 20220711.mp3 5 DFH The Speech Of The Unknown St Germain 17760704.mp3 4 DFH Impeccable Speech 2 Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220709.mp3 11 The Law Of Divine Tithing - St Germain, 20220703.mp3 2 DFH The Inception Of Light Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220704.mp3 2 Strengthening The Soul Law of Attrition St Germain 20211010.mp3 8 DFH Agape Love is Contagious 20220716.mp3 1 DFH EOTCE Heart of Freedom & DFH St Germain 20220722.mp3 3 EOTCE The Law of Perfection DFH St Germain 20221224.mp3 wealth.pdf 14 Divine Economy Opportunity To Cast Your Vote Master Djwhal Khul 17th December 2019 .pdf For the Greater Glory of God Go I, I Am DFH Cosmic Christ Mandate PDF BOOK 1st March 2023.pdf 2 DFH The Inception Of Light Declarations US and TC EGA Council 20220704.pdf DFH Cosmic Christ Mandate Contact EGA Book 1 God Awakening I Am Presence Administration Council Discourses On America Vol 18 1 DFH Cosmic Christ Mandate St Germain 20220703.pdf Sacred Sigil Mandalas Melchizedek Joseph Benner The Seven Steps New Children Adam and Lilith Christ Letters Radiation Centres EGA Book 1 God Awakening EGA Resources Management Administration Council EGA Discourses About EGA Books/Store Free E-Book Contact SOEPC Council EGA Book 2 Antahkarana ENACA Group Life Narayana Joy Christ Reshel Sanctuaries EGA Sun Reshel Headquarters Pennies From Heaven Introductoion Alchemy CLASS Boot Camp Alchemy Class GESARA Buddhic Columns The Magdalenes Christ Councils Home Mind Powers Ascension Alchemy Class Transformation Alchemy Inception of Light Cosmic Reviews Grants and Petitions The Resetting Of Christ Time Upon Earth Christ True Virgin TC Cosmic Christ Mandate DFH Cosmic Christ Mandate Cosmic Christ Mandate Cosmic Christ Academy Intro Service To Humanity I Am Presence Discourses On America Vol 18 Synthesis E- Magazine 2 DFH EOTCE Repentance and Divine Will St Germain 20220903.mp3 1 The Christ Antahkarana Fukushima Cleanup Serapis Bey 20170412.mp3 1 DFH The Cosmic Christ Mandate 3rd version St Germain 20220703.mp3 13-Cleaning-Up-The-Radiation-Caused-By-The-Failure-At-Fukushima-And-The-Releasing-Of-The-Elementals-Trapped-And-Separated-From-Th.mp3 12-Cleaning-Up-The-Radiation-Caused-By-The-Failure-At-Fukushima-And-The-Releasing-Of-The-Elementals-Trapped-And-Separated-From-Th.mp3 14-Part-4-Ascension-Alchemy-Class-–-Corona-Virus-vs-Electromagnetic-Wave-forms-–-St-Germain-1st-April-2020.mp3 TC First Proclamation Resolution Trust Instrument Posits 19th May 2023.pdf Taurus New Moon 19th May 2023 Cosmic Overview.pdf TC First Proclamation Resolution Trust Instrument Posits 19th May 2023.pdf Taurus New Moon 19th May 2023 Cosmic Overview.pdf